Maseno University Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 5873
Human factors affecting quality of routine data collected on Tuberculosis by health workers in selected health facilities in Kiambu county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2024)The quality of tuberculosis (TB) data is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective public health strategies, significantly influenced among others, human factors. While existing studies provide insights into these ... -
Determinants of adverse maternal and neonatal pregnancy Outcomes among pastoralist women of reproductive age in Marsabit county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2024)Adverse maternal and neonatal pregnancy outcomes refer to abnormal birth outcomes that can manifest through the neonate, pregnant woman, or both. These outcomes mainly contribute to neonatal and maternal morbidity and ... -
Prevalence and factors associated with shisha smoking by youth In tertiary institutions, Kisumu county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2024)The tobacco epidemic has a significant public health challenge worldwide, affecting approximately 1.1 billion smokers, with a particularly high prevalence in low- and middle- income countries, with over 7 million deaths ... -
Effects of Allium sativum extract on atazanavir induced Nephrotoxicity in male winstar rats
(Maseno University, 2024)Introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy in 1998 in the treatment of HIV led to dramatic decrease in morbidity and mortality among HIV infected patients translating it into a chronic manageable condition. ... -
Evaluation of Carbetocin and oxytocin for prevention of post Partum hemorrhage in women undergoing cesarean delivery at a regional hospital in western Kenya
(Maseno University, 2024)The burden of maternal morbidity and mortality is highest in Sub Saharan Africa and Southern Asia. Moreover, postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the largest contributor of maternal deaths in these regions. In Kisumu County, ... -
Investigation of haemostatic effects and the mechanism of Action of croton megalocarpus leaf extract on male new Zealand white rabbits
(Maseno University, 2024)Trauma death being a serious issue that take people’s lives has many causes whose main cause is hemorrhage (bleeding). The body's natural ability to halt bleeding inside the vascular compartment is called hemostasis, which ... -
Effects of aqueous garlic extract treatment on plasma Glucose, cortisol and electrolytes concentration in male Rattus norvegicus on daily atazanavir therapy
(Maseno University, 2024)Patients with HIV/AIDS now have longer life expectancies, thanks to the widespread use of highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART). On the other hand, a high frequency of endocrine and metabolic diseases has been ... -
Fetomaternal outcomes among normotensive and stage one Hypertensive patients at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga teaching and Referral hospital: a prospective cohort study
(Maseno University, 2024)Hypertension in pregnancy is a leading cause of adverse maternal and fetal outcomes. Complications associated with hypertension include intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), premature delivery, poor neonatal scores at ... -
Protective effects of rosmarinus officinalis on gentamicin - Induced acute Kidney injury in male albino Rats (Rattus norvegicus)
(Maseno University, 2024)Acute Kidney injury (AKI) is a worldwide public health challenge associated with high morbidity, mortality, and high healthcare costs in developing countries. Studies have established that one cause of these injuries is ... -
Factors associated with tuberculosis drug resistance among presumptive multidrug resistance tuberculosis patients identified in a DRTB surveillance study in western Kenya
(Elsevier, 2024-12-01)Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is caused by M. tuberculosis (Mtb) with resistance to the first-line anti-TB medicines isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RIF). In Western Kenya, there is reported low prevalence of ... -
The Inclusion of Students with Visual Impairment in Regular Institutions in Kenya: An Analysis of Policy and Legal Framework
(IJRISS, 2024-04-24)This study is concerned with the inclusion of students with visual impairments in the regular institutions in Kenya. The purpose is to study the policy documents that have been guiding the inclusion of students with ... -
The Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Tertiary Institution: A Review of Related Literature on Strategies of Making Curriculum Accessible to Students Visual Impairments
(IJRISS, 2024-11-11)The inclusion of students with disabilities including those with visual impairment (VI) has become a popular trend in most countries of the world. However, students with VI still face challenges in accessing curriculum ... -
Uro-pathogens: Prevalence of bacterial agents, and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of urinary tract infections among pregnant women living with HIV in Kisumu County, Kenya
(J Clin Images Med Case Rep, 2025)During pregnancy, urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are among the most common infections, particularly in women living with HIV worldwide, and can lead to poor perinatal and maternal outcomes. This study determined the ... -
Measuring the effect of antenatal family planning counseling on the intention for early postpartum family planning among postpartum mothers in Western Kenya
(Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health, 2025-01-30)Maternal and Child Health (MCH) care continuum provides a great opportunity for PPFP interventions integration especially antenatal FP counseling. This study measured the effect of antenatal FP counseling on the intention ... -
Assessing the application of adapted theory of planned behaviour in predicting postpartum family planning intentions in a pragmatic randomized control trial in Western Kenya
(Public Library of Science, 2025-02-05)In developing countries like Kenya, addressing the high population growth rate necessitates a focus on early Postpartum Family Planning (PPFP) use. Despite the critical need for PPFP, few researchers explore the application ... -
Hybrid versus vaccine immunity of mRNA-1273 among people living with HIV in East and Southern Africa: a prospective cohort analysis from the multicentre CoVPN 3008 (Ubuntu) study
(Elsevier, 2025-02-01)With limited access to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in lower income countries, and people living with HIV (PLWH) largely excluded from clinical trials, Part A of the multicentre CoVPN 3008 (Ubuntu) study aimed to assess the ... -
Health system factors influencing up take of postpartum modern family planning methods among Hiv - seropositive women in Busia county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2024)Postpartum family planning (PPFP) is crucial for promoting optimal timing and spacing of pregnancies and reducing maternal and child health risks. With the pre-existing reduced immune system, enabling human immunodeficiency ... -
Behavioural and social-demographic risk factors associated with hypertension among low income adultsin Kiambu County, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2024)Hypertension is one of the important risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and a leading risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and premature death. There is limited data on community-based prevalence of ... -
Influence of dyke characteristics on human activities of the community in lower river Nyando basin, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2024)Construction of dykes along several rivers in the world is one of the practical methods to minimize risks of flood events on riparian communities. Globally, one eighth of the world‟s settlement area is vulnerable to flooding ... -
Vipengele vya fasihi vinavyojenga taswira ya mwanamke katika vitabu teule vya Biblia takatifu
(Maseno University, 2024)Lugha ni chombo cha kipekee kinachofinyangwa kuwasilisha taswira ya masuala changamano katika jamii. Lugha inapofinyangwa huzua fasihi, ambayo ni kioo cha jamii. Biblia Takatifu ni kitabu mojawapo kikongwe cha fasihi ambacho ...