Browsing Economics by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Effect of capital market development on economic growth of Kenya
(Maseno University, 2015)Globally, the role of Capital market development in promoting economic growth has attracted a lot of attention among scholars, with several studies conducted to ascertain the relationship between capital market development ... -
The determinants of interest rates spread in the Kenyan economy
(Maseno university, 2015)There has been an increasing disparity between the lending rates and the deposit rates in Kenya over the last decade. In the Kenyan history, 1982 saw the lowest interest rate spread at 2.3% with the highest spread experienced ... -
Effect of real interest rate, income and inflation On savings in Kenya
(Maseno university, 2015)One of the principal strategies of development necessary for any country’s take off is the mobilization of domestic and foreign savings in order to generate sufficient investment to accelerate economic growth. According ... -
Analysis of the relationship between trade openness, foreign aid, external debt and economic growth in Kenya
(Maseno University, 2015)Since 1950, trade openness and aid has led to the expansion of world output by fivefold. Trade accounted for 20% of Gross domestic Product (GDP) in 2002 and according to the Vision 2030 blue print, trade is a promising ... -
An empirical investigation of the relationship between budget deficits and economic growth in Kenya (1975-2012)
(2015)Budget deficit has become a striking and institutionalized feature of most economies of the world. The Kenyan government has continued to reduce inflation (below 10%) and to develop sound fiscal policy that spurs growth. ... -
An empirical analysis of the contribution of indirect tax on economic growth in Kenya
(Maseno University, 2016)The role of indirect tax is high in developing countries because of poor tax administration to collect direct taxes, lower per capita incomes and evasion possibilities. The level of revenue from indirect taxes in Kenya has ... -
Determinants of rice production in Ahero irrigation scheme in Kisumu county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2016)selected through simple random sampling. Primary data was obtained by questionnaires administration. Instrument Validity was tested using agricultural economists while reliability using Cronbach’s Alpha and the results ... -
Effect of Corporate Rebranding Strategy Process On the Non- Financial Performance of Kenya Power Limited
(Maseno University, 2017) -
The effect of public and private health care Expenditures on infant mortality rate in Kenya
(Maseno University, 2017)Public and the private sectors finance Kenyan healthcare system. The public and private sectors contribute34% and 40% of the total health expenditure respectively and the donor contribution is 26%. The total health ... -
Real effective exchange rate volatility and its impact on selected macroeconomic performance Indicators in Kenya
(Maseno University, 2018)ABSTRACT A country’s extent of real effective exchange rate (REER) volatility serves as a measure of its international competitiveness. Kenya has often witnessed fluctuations in foreign exchange market. Kenya’s economic ... -
Effect of budget deficit financing mechanisms on economic growth in Kenya
(Maseno University, 2018)Economic growth is an increase of a country’s output of goods and services commonly financed by internal and external sources some of which comprise public borrowings. The trend in both domestic and external borrowing by ... -
Influence of fiscal, trade and monetary factors on Inflation in Kenya
(Maseno University, 2018)Inflation has been a topical issue since the 1970s oil price instability which resurged in the 2000s with a rate of 3.6% for advanced economies and 10.2% for Africa. In Kenya, labour unrests have mainly been attributed to ... -
Institutional factors influencing implementation of strategic plans of National Bank of Kenya
(Maseno University, 2018)The Kenyan banking industry has grown exponentially since the liberalization of the sector in the 1980s. Although the Kenyan banking sector is largely profitable growing by 400% in a span of 12 years, and thus moving from ... -
Relationship between government spending and private consumption in Kenya
(Maseno University, 2018)Over the past years, the relationship between government spending and private consumption remains one of the contentious issues in macroeconomics literature. The question of whether public expenditure is neutral or crowds ... -
Effect of money market factors on formal housing Growth in Kenya
(2018)With high formal housing shortages across the globe, money market factors such as interest rates have been found to influence formal housing development in advanced economic regions such as USA, South America and Europe. ... -
Effect of interest rate, capital inflow, inflation and degree of openness on economic growth in Kenya
(Maseno University, 2018)The general purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of financial liberalization on economic growth in Kenya. Financial liberalization refers to the deregulation of domestic financial markets and the liberalization ... -
(Maseno University, 2022)Globally, the performance of any economy is determined by the proportion of productive resources available to support its needs. Low resource base compared to needs of any economy, contribute to economic instability, which ... -
Determinants of real effective exchange rate fluctuations in Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)Economic growth in any country is important as it has a significant role in the standards of living of the people. Exchange rates play an important role in economic growth especially through foreign trade. Exchange rates ... -
Effect of public education expenditure and per capita income on gender parity in Kenya
(Maseno university, 2024)Education is widely recognized as a crucial catalyst for economic development due to its capacity to cultivate human capital, a fundamental factor in fostering economic progress. To effectively attain the sustainable ... -
Effect of cash transfers on achievement of selected sustainable development goals among female-headed households in Siaya county, Kenya
(2024)Poverty, hunger and lack of access to clean water and sanitation is high among developing economies derailing achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Cash transfers provide social protection to the vulnerable. Kenya’s ...