Browsing Botany by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Anti-bacterial activity of Moringa spp seed.extracts and their water flocculation ability
(Maseno university, 2010)Water-borne diseases are some of the main problems in developing countries; about 1.6 million people compelled to use contaminated water. In many communities in the Winam Division,water clarification/purification methods ... -
Assessment of water deficit effects on agromorphological and physiological traits of six bambara groundnuts (vigna subterranea (l.) verdc.) landraces grown in Western and coastal regions of Kenya.
(Maseno University, 2016)Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) is one of the most neglected and under-utilized African legume with the potential to alleviate food insecurity and poverty in the tropical semi-arid regions of Africa. The ... -
Characterization of Xanthomonas Campestris Pv.Vesicatoria In African Nightshades (Solanum Scabrum Mill.) and its Control Using Extracts of Bidens Pilosa L. and Euphorbia Hirta L.
(2017)African nightshades (Solanum scabrum Mill.) are an important vegetable in terms of food security, medicinal values and income for most communities in Kenya. Its productivity is majorly affected by bacterial leaf spot disease ... -
Correlations between schistosoma mansoni-specific immunoglobulins (igg1, igg2, igg3, igm), infection intensity and age among school pupils in Asembo area, western Kenya.
(Maseno University, 2017)ABSTRACT Schistosoma mansoni is a blood parasite that is common among school going pupils living near water bodies. It causes a disease known as schistosomiasis or bilhaziasis. Infected pupils stand higher risks of ... -
Differences in Antibacterial resistance profiles and genes between Escherichia coli isolates from humans and black rhinoceros in Lambwe Valley, Kenya.
(Maseno University, 2018)Antimicrobials have been in use for decades in disease management, but emergence of resistant pathogens such as Escherichia coli have rendered its future of concern to public health. Increased human-wildlife interaction ... -
Distribution of the water hyacinth [eichhornia crassipes (mart.) Solms.], its carpet Characteristics, some of its diseases and Pests in the winam gulf of Lake Victoria
(Maseno University, 2002)The occurrence of the Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms) in the Winam gulfhas created numerous negative attributes that make its control an urgent priority. Little has been reported about its carpet ... -
Effect of maize- soya bean intercropping patterns on growth, yield and photosynthetic active radiation of soya beans in Kaimosi-Vihiga county, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2024)Cereal-legume combination is the common form of intercropping by most small-scale farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This is because of small pieces of land owned by farmers small causing overexploitation of resources ... -
Effect of NPK blended fertilizer application on soil Physico-Chemical Properties, Growth, physiology and yield of two finger millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn.) varieties grown in acidic soils of Kakamega Western Kenya.
(Maseno University, 2018)Finger millet is one of the most important cereal crops in Kenya. It is staple food rich in minerals and vitamins required for good health. Finger millet is a hardy crop compared to other cereals and it is for this reason ... -
Effect of Npk blended fertilizer application on soil physico-chemical properties, growth, physiology and yield of two finger millet (eleusine coracana l. gaertn.) varieties grown in acidic soils of Kakamega western Kenya.
(Maseno University, 2018)Finger millet is one of the most important cereal crops in Kenya. It is staple food rich in minerals and vitamins required for good health. Finger millet is a hardy crop compared to other cereals and it is for this reason ... -
Effects of management and rainfall simulation on soil respiration and soil carbon store in a moist Kenyan Savanna, ruma Lambwe valley
(Maseno University, 2015)The demand for agricultural land is driving the conversion of moist Kenyan savannah into agroecosystems (grazing fields and croplands) and together with altered rainfall patterns, is likely modifying soil moisture, soil ... -
The effects of ocimum gratissimum, ipomoea batatas And brassica oleracea var botrytis extracts on the Growth and disease-causing capability of ralstonia Solanacearum in solanum tuberosum
(Maseno university, 2010)Irish potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a major cash and food crop worldwide. The production of this crop has in a great way been negatively affected by the extensive spread of bacterial wilt that is caused by Ralstonia ... -
Effects of ungulate Herbivory and tree canopy on Ecosystem processes in Ruma National park, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2010)Herbivores and tree canopies may have significant influences on savanna ecosystem functioning that are not yet clearly understood. Positive influences of grazers and trees may be associated with fecal deposition and the ... -
Enumeration, identification and antagonistic potential of selected microbial isolates from sugarcane variety co 421 rhizosphere against sporisorium scitamineum in Kibos, Kisumu county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2016)Sugarcane smut disease caused by a fungus Sporisorium scitamineum is a limiting factor to cane production in Kenya. It is threatening the sugar industry due to its effect on cane quality and yields. Sugarcane (Saccharum ... -
Evaluation of phenetic characters ·and growth Performance of native wood ear mushrooms (Auricularia species) on partially composted Agricultural wastes
(Maseno university, 2010)Wood ear mushrooms (Auricularia species) are a group of jelly fungi which occur as saprophytes on stumps or at the bases of dead or dying woody trees found in tropical regions. They have an ear shaped fruiting body from ... -
Evaluation of the antagonistic effects of some actinomycetes species isolated from Maseno Soils on Pyricularia grisea infecting finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn).
(Maseno University, 2016)Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) is one of the most important crops among the small millets. In Kenya yields are generally low, because of blast caused by the fungus Pyricularia grisea. Low finger-millet ... -
Growth and Physiological Responses of Bambara Groundnut to Sodium Chloride Salinity
(Maseno University, 2012)Bambara groundnut is one of the most neglected and under-utilized indigenous African legume with potential to alleviate food insecurity, malnutrition and poverty in tropical semi-arid regions of Africa. The crop is drought ... -
Impact of altitude variation and grassland composiition on stemborer and fall armyworm population in maize farms and surrounding grasses in western Kenya during 2019-2020 rain season
(Maseno university, 2024)Grassland ecosystems adjacent to maize farms are often habitats for pests that pose significant risks to maize crops. Among these pests, lepidopteran stemborers and fall armyworm are the most detrimental, negatively impacting ... -
Incidences and severity of Maize ear rot causing pathogens and response of selected Maize hybrids to diplodia (stenocarpella spp.) in selected counties in Nyanza region.
(Maseno University, 2016)Maize (Zea mays) is a staple food grown in almost all agro-ecological zones in Kenya. The production output is very low (2.4 million tons annually) nationally. Nyanza region contributes about 5 million bags. This is not ... -
Melliferous taxa, floral calendar, Melissopalynology, and organoleptic characterization of aboriginal Ogiek honey in the eastern Mau forest block, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2019)Mau forest is one of the five water towers in Kenya serving as a critical catchment area for rivers and lakes in both Kenya and Tanzania. It plays a critical role in livelihood support. Eastern Mau forest has experienced ... -
Morphological and molecular characterization, pathogenicity and co-infection effects of Ustilago kamerunensis with “candidatus phytoplasma oryzae” strain mbita 1 on napier grass growth tolerance under varying nutrients and moisture levels
(Maseno University, 2018)ABSTRACT: Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) is a leading feed for dairy animals in Eastern and Central Africa. In recent years the napier grass production has been threatened by napier head smut (NHS) and napier ...