Browsing School of Medicine by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 567
(HSC Institutional and Academic Materials, 2020)NM highlights. Immigration detention centers. US outbreak perceptions. States lockdown protests. Drones sample transport. Black market antivirals. NZ eases lockdown. Germany partial reopening. Low temperature/humidity ... -
21 Days of Social Synergistic Pilot Survey on Community Participation to Determine the Level Virulence of COVID-19 in Africa before Re-Opening of the Education Sector in an …
(ACTA SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2020-05)21 days of Synergistic community participation survey [2] to determine reopening of education sector in Africa remain a key cradle to create psycho social confidence in parents, pupils and students since they left school ... -
(−7402 T/G and -4729G/A) condition susceptibility to pediatric severe malarial anemia but not circulating IL-13 levels
(Bio Med Central, 2013)In holoendemic Plasmodium falciparum transmission areas such as western Kenya, severe malarial anemia [SMA, hemoglobin (Hb) < 6.0 g/dL, with any density parasitemia] is the most common clinical manifestation of severe ... -
(− 7402 T/G and-4729G/A) condition susceptibility to pediatric severe malarial anemia but not circulating IL-13 levels
(Bio Med Central, 2013)In holoendemic Plasmodium falciparum transmission areas such as western Kenya, severe malarial anemia [SMA, hemoglobin (Hb) < 6.0 g/dL, with any density parasitemia] is the most common clinical manifestation of severe ... -
Acceptability and feasibility of inter-related activities to improve agency among African district health managers: A four-country study
(Taylor and Francis online, 2021)District health managers (DHMs) lead and manage Ministry of Health programmes and system performance. We report on the acceptability and feasibility of inter-related activities to increase the agency of DHMs in Kenya, ... -
Acceptability and feasibility of inter-related activities to improve agency among African district health managers: A four-country study
(Taylor and Francis online, 2021)District health managers (DHMs) lead and manage Ministry of Health programmes and system performance. We report on the acceptability and feasibility of inter-related activities to increase the agency of DHMs in Kenya, ... -
The accuracy of urine dipsticks as a screening test for proteinuria in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
(Taylor & Francis, 2005-01-01)Proteinuria is used as a criterion in the classification system for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy including preeclampsia. The aim of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of dipstick urinalysis in a single voided ... -
Adolescent schoolgirls' experiences of menstrual cups and pads in rural western Kenya: a qualitative study
(Practical Action Publishing, 2015-01-01)Poor menstrual hygiene management (MHM) among schoolgirls in low-income countries affects girls' dignity, self-esteem, and schooling. Hygienic, effective, and sustainable menstrual products are required. A randomized ... -
Adult Wilms Tumour in pregnancy
(East African medical journal, 2020)Wilms’ tumor (nephroblastoma) is the most common primary renal malignancy in children, with a peak presentation in the ages 3-4 years. Wilms’ tumor is extremely rare in adults with around 300 cases described in literature. ... -
Adult Wilms Tumour in pregnancy
(AJOL, 2020)Wilms’ tumor (nephroblastoma) is the most common primary renal malignancy in children, with a peak presentation in the ages 3-4 years. Wilms’ tumor is extremely rare in adults with around 300 cases described in literature. ... -
Adverse effects of Lugol’s iodine: Heart failure in a patient with subcutaneous phycomycosis from a resource-limited setting
(Elsevier, 2022-09-09)Subcutaneous phycomycosis becomes a chronic, debilitating condition if left untreated. Treatment includes oral antifungal therapy, though oral potassium iodide has been used in resource-limited settings. Lugol's iodine has ... -
Age estimation using orthopantomograms and Demirjian method among children attending dental clinics in western Kenya
(AJOL, 2023-10-09)Various methods have been used to estimate age in different populations among them being Demirjian which has widely been utilized. However, in Kenya, there is hardly any approved method that can be used to achieve this ... -
Alcohol use among khat (Catha) chewers in Kenya
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1987-01)Among one hundred randomly selected outpatients at the Meru District Hospital in Kenya, 29 (28 men and 1 woman) were Khat chewers. Six of these were ‘heavy’ and 23 ‘moderate’ users. Twenty out of 29 Khat chewers also used ... -
Alcohol use among khat (Catha) chewers in Kenya
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1987-01)Among one hundred randomly selected outpatients at the Meru District Hospital in Kenya, 29 (28 men and 1 woman) were Khat chewers. Six of these were ‘heavy’ and 23 ‘moderate’ users. Twenty out of 29 Khat chewers also used ... -
The ameliorative effects of graded intensities of exercise training on anthropometrical parameters on high fat diet and sucrose-induced obesity in Wistar rats
(JAGST, 2023)Obesity is a condition characterised by the expansion of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) depots, leading to its abnormal function, which is associated with the development of insulin insensitivity, cardiovascular disorders, ... -
The ameliorative effects of graded intensities of exercise training on anthropometrical parameters on high fat diet and sucrose-induced obesity in Wistar rats
(AJOL, 2023)Obesity is a condition characterised by the expansion of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) depots, leading to its abnormal function, which is associated with the development of insulin insensitivity, cardiovascular disorders, ... -
(2018)Background: Diagnosis of various causes of vaginal discharge is done by detailed history taking, physical examination and laboratory investigations. Use Nugent’s score as laboratory tests remains the gold standard however, ... -
Anaemia in elderly patients at Kenyatta National Hospital
(University of Nairobi, 1988)The main objective of this work was to study anaemia in elderly patients and hence contribute some baseline data for future possible work in this area. This prospective study covered 63 elderly patients of all types of ... -
Analysis of Factors Affecting Performance of Distribution Logistics Among Manufacturing Firms in Kenya: A Case Study of Kibos Sugar Company Limited and Allied Industries
(Jomo Kernyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, 2019)This study analyzed factors affecting performance of distribution logistics among production firms in Kenya: a case of Kibos Sugar Company limited and allied industries. The study applied descriptive approach through ... -
An analysis of pregnancy-related mortality in the KEMRI/CDC health and demographic surveillance system in western Kenya
(Public Library of Science, 2013-07-16)Background Pregnancy-related (PR) deaths are often a result of direct obstetric complications occurring at childbirth. Methods and Findings To estimate the burden of and characterize risk factors for PR mortality, we ...