Browsing School of Education by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 315
1. Department of Educational Management and Foundations, Maseno University, Kenya 2. Department of Educational Communication, Technology and Curriculum Studies, Maseno …
(2018)In this 21st century, there is global recognition of integrating Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a contemporary tool for best management practices. The Kenya government ICT Policy and strategy (2006) encourages ... -
Academic staff development enhances job performance among PhD degree holders in public universities in Kenya. However, it is noteworthy that at Maseno University and Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya’s youngest, most recently established universities, only an average of 38% of academic staff are PhD degree holders indicating a skills, knowledge, and attitudinal gap hence a critical need for invigorated staff development. In addition, there is a high lecturer: student ratio which is above the Commission for Higher Education’s recommendation of 1:18 for social sciences and 1:10 for pure sciences. There have also been incessant public complaints about poor job performance evidenced in poor lecturer etiquette, low lesson attendance levels, relative high failure rates among students and non-return of Continuous Assessment Tests. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of selected academic staff development practices on job performance in selected public universities. The selected staff development practices are categorized as follows; on-the-jobuniversity-sponsored, off-the-job-self-sponsored, off-the-job-university-sponsored, and on-thejob-self-sponsored. The study employed descriptive survey research design whereby questionnaire, document analysis , and interview schedules were used to collect data. Proportional Stratified Random Sampling and Purposive Sampling technique was used to select academic staff, Chahairmen of Departments(CoDs) and Directors of Faculties and Deans of Schools(DFDSs) in the selected universities. Quantitative data was presented in frequencies, percentages, and Mean Rating. Qualitative data was analyzed on an going process as themes and subthemes emerged.
(Academic Journals, 2010-12-01)Despite Kenya Government’s commitment to enhancement of girl-child education, their participation rate at secondary school level is still notably low. Many studies on the girl-child education have concentrated in the ... -
Academic Staff Development Practices’ Influence on Job Performance in Selected Public Universities in Kenya
(2015)Academic staff development (SD) enhances job performance in educational institutions universities inclusive. In this regard, there has been noted a shortfall of adequately qualified staff, PhD holders, in Maseno ... -
Access and Provision of Quality Technical and Vocational Education for Sustainable Industrial Development in Kenya
(Egerton University Conferences Portal, 2020)echnical and vocational education plays a critical role in acquiring practical knowledge and skills that are vital to industrial development worldwide. Kenya aspires to achieve Vision 2030 by intensifying application of ... -
The accuracy of parameter estimates and coverage probability of population values in regression models upon different treatments of systematically missing data
(University of British Columbia, 1998)Several methods are available for the treatment of missing data. Most of the methods are based on the assumption that data are missing completely at random (MCAR). However, data sets that are MCAR are rare in psycho-educational ... -
(2020-08-07)Demand for basic education by communities in Bungoma County has led to proliferation of many teacher training colleges. However, safety of learners in these colleges remains a major challenge to all college administrators. ... -
Adults helping adults: Teacher-initiated supervisory option for professional development
(Academic Journals, 2011-08-31)This paper discusses peer supervision among teachers. It considers the foci, practices, problem and potential importance of peer supervision in facilitating professional growth teachers. Peer supervision or peer coaching ... -
Advancing AI education: Assessing Kenyan in-service teachers' preparedness for integrating artificial intelligence in competence-based curriculum
(Elsevier, 2024-05-01)With the advancement of technology, emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) have also been growing rapidly and becoming more common than ever before. Kenya has taken tremendous steps in adopting the use of ... -
Advancing the theory of planned behavior within dietary and physical domains among type 2 diabetics: a mixed methods approach
(http://www. sciencepublishinggroup. com/j/jfns, 2010)Many studies have applied the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in predicting health behaviors among unique populations. However, a new paradigm is emerging where focus is now directed to modification and expansion of the ... -
Aiming towards Lifelong Learning by adding an eCampus to a Kenyan University
(Research gate, 2019)AIMING TOWARDS LIFE LONG LEARNING BY ADDING AN ECAMPUS TO A KENYAN UNIVERSITY D. Stern1, B. Ogange1, M. Ayere1, R. Kim2 1Maseno University (KENYA) 2Columbia University (UNITED STATES) In September 2011 Maseno University ... -
(2015-10-10)Traditional teaching methods are predominant in many African classrooms. These methods are always teacher dominated ignoring the diversity of learners. Research indicates that when students are instructed in a way that ... -
(Journal of Business and Strategic Management, 2017)Purpose: The study sought to examine competitive strategies employed in microfinance institutions using a case study of Kenya Women Finance Trust Methodology: The study adopted descriptive case study design. The sample ... -
(CARI, 2017-05-19)Purpose: The study sought to examine competitive strategies employed in microfinance institutions using a case study of Kenya Women Finance Trust Methodology: The study adopted descriptive case study design. The sample ... -
Analysis of expressive and receptive kenyan sign language skills among primary deaf children in western region, kenya
(European Journal of Special Education Research, 2024-09-09)Research has shown that deaf children of hearing parents, who constitute 95% of the deaf community, find challenges in acquiring both sign and spoken languages. This study examined the competence of deaf children in ... -
Application of South African sign Language (SASL) in a bilingual-Bicultural approach in education of the deaf
(2010)After contextualising the challenges of deaf education in the twenty-first century in the global context, this study focused on sign language in the environment of bilingual-bicultural education for the deaf in South Africa. ... -
Approaches in Creative Writing Pedagogy in English in Upper Primary Classes in Kenya
(International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2020)Creative Writing (CW) is a highly complex skill especially to learners who are non-native speakers of English. In Kenya, English is taught as a second language (L2) and is both an examinable subject and a language of ... -
Appropriacy of process approach in the teaching of composition writing in upper primary classes in Kenya
(EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 2021)Imaginative composition writing skills (IMW) in Kenyan primary schools strengthen learners’ learning, thinking and reflect on their overall academic performance. However, achieving good composition writing is challenging ... -
Assessing Moral Education in Kenyan Secondary Schools
(International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2021)Previous research has consistently reported that Kenyan students’ moral standing and general conduct in the wider society reflects incompetence in moral insights. The scenario in which immoral behavior has dominated ... -
Assessing predictive power of psychosocial factors on breastfeeding behavior of mothers attending postnatal clinics in Western Kenya
(SAGE Publications, 2012-08)This cross-sectional study aimed at determining predictive power of psychosocial factors influencing breastfeeding behavior of breastfeeding mothers. The study was conducted from April to August 2010 in Kakamega Central ... -
Assessment of Achievements in Adult Literacy Programme in Vihiga County, Kenya
(green journals., 2016-08-21)Adult Literacy Programme has been providing knowledge and skills to enhance human capital for the solution of various problems in society. The problem in the area of study has however been environmental degradation ...