Browsing Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 4083
1. Department of Educational Management and Foundations, Maseno University, Kenya 2. Department of Educational Communication, Technology and Curriculum Studies, Maseno …
(2018)In this 21st century, there is global recognition of integrating Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a contemporary tool for best management practices. The Kenya government ICT Policy and strategy (2006) encourages ... -
10 Child vulnerability and community coping mechanisms
(Routledge, 2010-09-30)In the wider literature regarding the impact of HIV/AIDS on children, many empirical studies have discussed child vulnerability as a general condition that requires intervention through appropriate responses (Hunter and ... -
10 Securitization of COVID-19 and the Imagination of Post-COVID-19 Burial Ceremonies in Kenya and Zimbabwe
(Taylor & Francis, 2023)The years 2020 and 2021 will go down in history as the most tragic period in the second decade of the new millennium as the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic resulted in death and untold suffering the world over (Sibanda ... -
12 irrigation management and poverty dynamics: case study of the Nyando Basin in Western Kenya
(Academic Press, 2007)Three distinct pathways of irrigation development have been pursued in Kenya over the last 20 years: a topdown planning approach, a centralized service approach and an unregulated smallholder approach. All three pathways ... -
16 Food poverty in Kisumu, Kenya
(Routledge, 2018-08-22) -
1683 Genome-wide association analysis of residual feed intake and milk yield in dairy goats
(Oxford University Press, 2016-10-01)Interest in both dairy and meat goat production in the US has been increasing, and there is tremendous opportunity for genetic progress in traits that are easy to measure (e.g., milk yield) and those that are more difficult ... -
16S rRNA gene profiling of bacterial communities mediating production of tsetse attractive phenols in mammalian urine
(AOSIS Publishing, 2019)Several types of odours are involved in the location of host animals by tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae), a vector of animal African trypanosomiasis. Host animals' ageing urine has been shown to be the source of a phenolic ... -
2 Political Leadership and Development in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania
(2013-04-01)The promise of development was taken to heart in virtually all African countries at independence. However, 50 years later, it remains unfulfilled for the majority of the people. Many analysts have attributed the lack ... -
2 Political patronage and the expansion of cash transfer programmes in Kenya
(Taylor & Francis, 2015-05-08)The Government of Kenya has run pilot cash transfer programmes since 2004 and formalised them as part of social protection policy in 2011. Subsequently, cash transfer programmes have steadily been expanded. Three of ... -
2 Political Patronage and the Expansion of Cash Transfer Programmes in Kenya
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-05-08)The Government of Kenya has run pilot cash transfer programmes since 2004 and formalised them as part of social protection policy in 2011. Subsequently, cash transfer programmes have steadily been expanded. Three of ... -
2-Hydroxysorangiadenosine: Structure and Biosynthesis of a Myxobacterial Sesquiterpene–Nucleoside
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020)Myxobacteria represent an under-investigated source for biologically active natural products featuring intriguing structural moieties with potential applications, e.g., in the pharmaceutical industry. Sorangiadenosine and ... -
(HSC Institutional and Academic Materials, 2020)NM highlights. Immigration detention centers. US outbreak perceptions. States lockdown protests. Drones sample transport. Black market antivirals. NZ eases lockdown. Germany partial reopening. Low temperature/humidity ... -
21 Days of Social Synergistic Pilot Survey on Community Participation to Determine the Level Virulence of COVID-19 in Africa before Re-Opening of the Education Sector in an …
(ACTA SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2020-05)21 days of Synergistic community participation survey [2] to determine reopening of education sector in Africa remain a key cradle to create psycho social confidence in parents, pupils and students since they left school ... -
3 Sitting on a Grave
(Taylor & Francis, 2023)COVID-19 in Kenya necessitated an enforcement of Ministry of Health (MOH) burial guidelines. These were met with resistance at various levels, even as the State demanded that these guidelines be unilaterally enforced. After ... -
(Academic Publications, Ltd., 2011)An alternative method of the numerical solution of the heat equation is presented. A three-dimensional modelling approach is used in this paper rather than one or two dimensional models in order to account for the lateral ... -
4-Regular prime graphs of nonsolvable groups
(CORNELL UNIVERSITY, 2019-01-11)Let G be a finite group and cd(G) denote the character degree set for G. The prime graph ∆(G) is a simple graph whose vertex set consists of prime divisors of elements in cd(G), denoted ρ(G). Two primes p, q ∈ ρ(G) are ... -
(−7402 T/G and -4729G/A) condition susceptibility to pediatric severe malarial anemia but not circulating IL-13 levels
(Bio Med Central, 2013)In holoendemic Plasmodium falciparum transmission areas such as western Kenya, severe malarial anemia [SMA, hemoglobin (Hb) < 6.0 g/dL, with any density parasitemia] is the most common clinical manifestation of severe ... -
(− 7402 T/G and-4729G/A) condition susceptibility to pediatric severe malarial anemia but not circulating IL-13 levels
(Bio Med Central, 2013)In holoendemic Plasmodium falciparum transmission areas such as western Kenya, severe malarial anemia [SMA, hemoglobin (Hb) < 6.0 g/dL, with any density parasitemia] is the most common clinical manifestation of severe ... -
(− 7402 T/G and-4729G/A) condition susceptibility to pediatric severe malarial anemia but not circulating IL-13 levels
(Bio Med Central, 2013)In holoendemic Plasmodium falciparum transmission areas such as western Kenya, severe malarial anemia [SMA, hemoglobin (Hb)< 6.0 g/dL, with any density parasitemia] is the most common clinical manifestation of severe ... -
7α-Acetylugandensolide and antimicrobial properties of Warburgia ugandensis extracts and isolates against sweet potato pathogens
(Elsevier, 2011-06-15)7α-Acetylugandensolide together with thirteen known drimane-type sesquiterpenes have been isolated from Warbugia ugandensis bark extracts. Their structures were established by spectroscopic and physical methods as well ...