School of Public health & Community Development: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 433
Availability of quality health information on morbidity and mortality indicators to improve maternal healthcare services in Migori county, Kenya
(International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 2022-03-31)Assessing availability of quality health information on maternal morbidity and mortality indicators in the provision of quality healthcare services is critical. The study used retrospective and prospective study designs ... -
Factors influencing patients’ adherence to malaria Artemisinin-based combination therapy treatment in Kamuli District, Uganda
(Research Square, 2023-10-06)Patients’ adherence to prescribed Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) treatment is a key malaria control strategy. To accelerate and realize a malaria free country, malaria management measures remain a key public ... -
Food price perception, food and beverage marketing and the nutritional status of children 6–24 months in Obunga slums, Kisumu Kenya: a cross-sectional study
(BioMed Central, 2023)Malnutrition is a significant problem in Africa. In Kenya, 26% of under-fives are stunted; slums are the hardest hit. Obunga slum has the highest prevalence at 40%. A cross-sectional study was adopted; simple random ... -
The role of vitamin D status on treatment outcome among HIV-infected children receiving care in Kisumu County, Kenya
(Researchsquare, 2023-09-19)Kenya has a paediatric HIV burden of nearly 140,000 children, of which only 48% of those on antiretroviral therapy (ART) have achieved the desired viral suppression possibly due to vitamin D deficiency. We explored the ... -
Comparison of Different Trapping Methods to Collect Malaria Vectors Indoors and Outdoors in Western Kenya
(Research square, 2023-08-31)Enhanced vector surveillance, is one of the 4 pillars of the WHO’s global vector control response (2017–2030). Human landing catches are the gold standard for entomological surveys but are difficult to implement and expose ... -
Health Providers’ Self Reported Provision of Preconception Care and Associated Factors in Kisumu County-kenya
(Research square, 2023-09-01)Preconception care (PCC) is the provision of health interventions to women and couples before conception occurs and is valuable in preventing and controlling noncommunicable diseases. In Africa, more so in Kenya, maternal ... -
Human NCR3 gene variants rs2736191 and rs11575837 alter longitudinal risk for development of pediatric malaria episodes and severe malarial anemia
(BioMed Central, 2023-09-13)Plasmodium falciparum malaria is a leading cause of pediatric morbidity and mortality in holoendemic transmission areas. Severe malarial anemia [SMA, hemoglobin (Hb) < 5.0 g/dL in children] is the most common clinical ... -
Exploring Shigella vaccine priorities and preferences: Results from a mixed-methods study in low-and middle-income settings
(Elsevier, 2023-08-09)Shigella is the leading bacterial cause of diarrheal mortality in children and can cause long-term effects on growth and development. No licensed Shigella vaccines currently exist but several promising candidates are in ... -
Finding the missing children for TB care and prevention in Kenya
(International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2022-12-01)SETTING: One hundred high TB burden facilities in nine counties in Kenya.OBJECTIVES: 1) To increase uptake of TB preventive therapy (TPT) among child contacts aged <5 years, and 2) to increase TB diagnosis in children aged ... -
Hemoglobinopathies, merozoite surface protein-2 gene polymorphisms, and acquisition of Epstein Barr virus among infants in Western Kenya
(BioMed Central, 2023)Epstein Barr virus (EBV)-associated endemic Burkitt’s Lymphoma pediatric cancer is associated with morbidity and mortality among children resident in holoendemic Plasmodium falciparum regions in western Kenya. P. falciparum ... -
Effects of bacterial composition and aquatic habitat metabolites on malaria vector larval availability in irrigated and non-irrigated sites of Homa Bay county, western Kenya
(PLOS ONE, 2023)Gravid Anopheles malaria vectors depend on both chemical and physical (including microbial) cues for selection of preferred habitats for oviposition. This study focused on assessing the effects of bacterial composition ... -
Habitat Diversity, Stability, and Productivity of Malaria Vectors in Irrigated and Nonirrigated Ecosystems in Western Kenya
(Oxford University Press, 2022-11-05)Several sub-Saharan African countries rely on irrigation for food production. This study examined the impact of environmental modifications resulting from irrigation on the ecology of aquatic stages of malaria vectors in ... -
Maternal Factors Influencing Under-five Mortality in Karemo Sub-county in Siaya County, Kenya
(Research Square, 2023-03)Background Despite the substantial reduction of under-five mortality (U5M) across the world, about 15,000 under-fives (U5s) die daily. Majority occurs in developing countries with Sub-Saharan African countries like Kenya ... -
Community case management of malaria in Western Kenya: performance of community health volunteers in active malaria case surveillance
(BioMed Central, 2023-03-08)In western Kenya, not all malaria cases are reported as stipulated in the community case management of malaria (CCMm) strategy. This underreporting affects the equity distribution of malaria commodities and the evaluation ... -
Students stress patterns in a Kenyan socio‑cultural and economic context: toward a public health intervention
(Nature, 2023)This study aimed at determining the prevalence of stress, diferent types of stress, their severity and their determinants in Kenyan university, college and high school students. The following tools were administered to ... -
Profiling genome-wide recombination in Epstein Barr virus reveals type-specific patterns and associations with endemic-Burkitt lymphoma
(BioMed Central, 2022-12)Endemic Burkitt lymphoma (eBL) is potentiated through the interplay of Epstein Barr virus (EBV) and holoendemic Plasmodium falciparum malaria. To better understand EBV’s biology and role in eBL, we characterized genome-wide ... -
Cost of introducing and delivering RTS, S/AS01 malaria vaccine within the malaria vaccine implementation program
(Elsevier, 2023)The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended widespread use of the RTS,S/AS01 (RTS,S) malaria vaccine among children residing in regions of moderate to high malaria transmission. This recommendation is informed by RTS,S ... -
“You’ll Be Chased Away”: Sources, Experiences, and Effects of Violence and Stigma among Gay and Bisexual Men in Kenya
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2023)Gay and bisexual men in Kenya face extreme socio-political stigma which manifests in widespread violence and discrimination across socio-ecological levels. We conducted individual in-depth interviews with 60 gay and bisexual ... -
The role of knowledge and attitude on HIV and Aids prevention practices among secondary school students: a cross-sectional study of Gwassi south sub-county, Homa Bay county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)Background: Homa Bay County HIV prevalence is the highest and 4.5 times the national prevalence. Young people aged 15-24 years account for 22% of this prevalence in the County. Majority of these young people are high ... -
Is development aid to strengthen health systems during protracted conflict a useful investment? The case of South Sudan, 2011–2015
(BMJ Specialist Journals, 2020)Is achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 (building peaceful societies) a precondition for achieving SDG 3 (health and well-being in all societies, including conflict-affected countries)? Do health system ...