Effects of Epigeal Termitaria physiography, altitude and location on vegetation lifeforms abundance in Katolo sub-location, Kisumu county, Kenya
Abstract/ Overview
Termite mounds differ in their physiography (basal radii and heights) as well as altitudinal locations and host more vegetation assemblages ascribed partly to their conducive physiography and possibly elevated nutrients levels. Large termitaria have been documented to support better fruiting of acacia trees and growth of mopane trees while hindering grass growth. However, physiographic description and modeling of how varying physiography of epigeal termitaria and altitude influence abundance of vegetation lifeforms (trees, shrubs, lianas and grass) has not been studied to support their conservation efforts within Katolo Sub-Location. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate variability in vegetation lifeforms abundance with epigeal termitaria physiography in order to support local conservation needs. The general objective is to find out how epigeal termitaria affect vegetation lifeforms. The specific objectives of this study were to: determine the influence of termite mounds physiography and altitude on vegetation lifeforms abundance; find out the influence of on-mound and off-mound locations on vegetation lifeforms abundance; and develop model for prediction of on-mound vegetation lifeforms abundance based on physiography and altitude. Study population was unknown. Cross sectional descriptive research design was used. Saturated sampling was used and where 60 termite mounds were studied. Basal radii of the mounds were measured using 50m tape measure and classed into three categories while mound heights were determined using 50m tape measure and/or hand-held inclinometer and classed. Altitude data were captured by hand-held GPS and categorized as lower, middle and upper. Trees, shrubs and lianas were identified visually and counted while grass was estimated using 0.3m by 0.3m quadrat. One way ANOVA was employed to determine significant differences in means of vegetation lifeforms abundance based on classes of termite mound physiography and location on and off-mound. Simple linear regression was used to determine magnitude of variation in vegetation lifeforms that could be explained by mound physiography differences. Multiple linear regressions were used to model vegetation lifeforms abundance based on termite mound basal radius, height and altitude. The results showed that radius was the best predictor of all vegetation lifeforms abundance except grass; (F(1, 59) = 185.77, p=0.000) with R2adj. =0.76, (F(1, 59) = 46.31, p=0.000) with R2adj. =0.43,(F(1, 59) = 164.39, p=0.000) with R2adj. =0.73and (F(1, 59) = 1.41, p=0.241) with R2adj. =0.01 for trees, shrubs, lianas and grass respectively. ANOVA revealed that location significantly (p≤0.05) influenced all vegetation lifeforms with all except grass being more abundant on termite mounds than off-mound. A multiple regression model significantly (p≤0.05) predicted vegetation lifeforms abundance; trees R2adj. =0.83, shrubsR2adj. =0.42 and lianasR2adj. =0.74 using termite mound basal radius, height and altitude. Weak R2adjfor shrubs could probably be attributed to competition from trees or preference by short grazers though not tested in current study. This study concluded that termite mound physiography (basal radius, height) and altitude influence abundance of vegetation lifeforms (trees, shrubs and lianas) but not grass. The study recommends investigations into predominant plant and termite species within the study area to anchor the need for their conservation.
- Geography [9]