Influence of Sunni Islam’s teachings on Luo traditional Marriage practices in Kisumu County
Abstract/ Overview
Sunni Islam is influencing various cultures as people continue to get Islamised. When Sunni Islam arrived in Kisumu County, it encountered Luo culture with established marriage practices. Studies on Islam and Luo culture have given no specific attention to marriage practices. Before this study, there was a missing link in understanding the role of Sunni Islam on cultural adaptation by Luo Muslims in reference to their marriage practices. Islamic marriage practices have always dominated whenever a Muslim gets into a marriage relationship with a non-Muslim. This implies that Luo traditional practices are changing. The general objective of this research was to investigate influence of Sunni Islam’s teachings on Luo traditional marriage practices. Specifically, the study was set to: examine the teachings of Sunni Islam that influence marriage practices of Luo born Muslims and reverts in Kisumu County; analyse compatibility or incompatibility of Luo traditional marriage practices with Sunni Islam; and, evaluate how Sunni Islam has transformed marriage practices among Luo Muslims of Kisumu County. The study was guided by Structural Functionalism Theory by Emile Durkheim (1938) since the essence of the research was to understand the role of religion on cultural adaptation. The research used both comparative and descriptive designs. Comparative design was necessary because the research examined marriage practices from the Qur’an and from Luo traditional practices. Descriptive design was adopted to describe how Luo born Muslims and reverts have modified marriage practices from both cultures. The research had a study population of 1200 Muslims who were adherents of all the 30 Sunni mosques in Kisumu. Primary data was collected from respondents derived from Mosque leaders and elderly Luo born Muslims and reverts from the sampled mosques. Mosques do not keep records and therefore it was difficult to get the exact study population consequently, purposive sampling methods were used to get 100 married Luo Muslim couples who responded to questionnaires, 50 elderly Luo born Muslims and reverts and 10 mosque leaders who were orally interviewed and 15 married Luo Muslims who were engaged in FGDs. The sample population was 275. The methods used for primary data collection were focus group discussions, in-depth oral interviews, and questionnaires. Secondary data was collected through the analysis of textbooks, journals and internet publications. Qualitative data was analysed using thematic approach and quantitative data was analysed using percentages then integrated with qualitative data to be given a descriptive presentation. The findings of this study reveal that there are specific teachings of Sunni Islam in the Quran and Hadith that are meant to regulate marriage practices of all Muslims. These teachings have provided new norms hence have influenced marriage practices of Luo Muslims. Even though some Luo traditional marriage practices deemed compatible with Islam are still being observed by Luo Muslims after modification of some of them, some Luo traditional practices that are incompatible to Islam have been discarded. Consequently, there are transformations in marriage practices of Luo born Muslims and reverts geared towards attaining pure marriage practices of Sunni Islam. This study recommends sensitization of members of the Luo and Muslim communities to provide room for cultural dialogue and to ensure a consistent mentorship programme to reverts for gradual implementation of Islamic norms and a smooth cultural transition