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dc.contributor.authorPTOYO, Jacob DaimoI
dc.descriptionMaster's Projecten_US
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses on efficacy Pokot FM’s Asil po Pokot radio programme as used in the communication campaign to end the practice of female circumcision in Kipkomo Sub- County, West Pokot County. Female circumcision is a tradition that is observed and practiced among the Pokot of Kenya.The current female circumcision prevalent rate in the County stands at 44% (KDHS, 2019) from 74% (KDHS, 2014). This has been occasioned by rhe efforts the Kenyan government together with other non state players.Despite the reduction in the prevalence rate of the “cut,”it is still being practiced in many areas in the county due to traditional significance attached to it. Asil po Pokot radio isa cultural programme that aired by Pokot FM as part of an anti-female circumcision campaign, The study sought to establish the efficacyprogramme in ending female circumcision. The objectives of the study were to examine the efficay ofAsil po Pokotradio programme in creating awareness of the implications of female circumcision among women in Kipkomo Sub-County; to determine the efficacy ofAsil po Pokotradio programme in changing beliefs and attitudes against female circumcision among women in Kipkomo Sub-County, and to evaluate theefficay ofAsil po Pokot radio programme in eradicating female circumcision among women in Kipkomo Sub-County. The two theories that informed this research were Agenda Setting byMcCombs &Shaw (1972) and the Knowledge Atitude and Practice Model by Schwartz (1976). To collect data, a household-based systematic random walk sampling method was employed, with a sample size of 391 women. Data collection involved the use of questionnaires, Key informant interviews (KII) and Focus Group Discussion (FGDs). Both quantitative and qualitative data were analysed. The significance of this study contributes to communication, media, and health, particularly in terms of new policies, research scholarships, and treatments. The findings indicated that agood number of women found satisfaction in the anti-female circumcision campaign as they provided valuable insights into the the practice by ending of the ‘cut’ in favour of the ’’Alternative rite of passage’', which aligns with the objectives of the stud. Thestudy recommends utilizing the Asil po Pokot radio programme and other existing forums such as; government NGOs, CBOs, Churches to providefree education to girls so that by the age of 18 years they are aware of their issues thus they can tmake informed decisions. The study shows that 87 % of the respondents are aware of female circumcision as a harmful practice, while 93% believed that ‘cut’ makes a woman complete or proud and 86% indicated willingness to subject their daughters to ‘’Alternative rite of passage.’’en_US
dc.publisherMaseno universityen_US
dc.titleEfficay of asil po pokot radio programme in anti-female-circumcision campaign among Women in Kipkomo sub-county, Kenyaen_US

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