dc.description.abstract | The effectiveness of public financial support for secondary education is an issue of
concern given the delay in submitting government grants, challenges of increased
enrolment and inadequate resources to support quality teaching and learning. This study
was based in Kenya; however, Kisumu County was chosen for its below-average KCSE
mean score of 4.08 (D+) in 2017 compared to the average mean of 6 (C); low teacherstudent ratio at 1:59 compared to the required 1:45 and absolute poverty index of 41%
compared to the national poverty index of 35.6. The purpose of this study was to analyze
community financing of public secondary schools and its effect on the quality of
education in Kisumu County, Kenya. The specific objective of the study was to examine
community financing of secondary school lunch programs and their effect on the
provision of quality education in Kisumu County. A descriptive and correlation research
design was used in the study. The target population for this study comprised 214
secondary schools in Kisumu County, 214 school principals, 214 BOM chairpersons, the
CDE, 48 CBOs and 51,243 students. Questionnaires, document analysis and interview
schedules for school principals, BOM chairpersons, the CDE, CBOs and students were
used in this study. A stratified simple random sampling procedure was used to sample
the 64 public secondary schools in Kisumu County from which 64 school principals, 64BOM chairpersons, 16 CBOs and 387 purposively selected students were used for the
study. The content and face validity of the instruments were determined by employing
experts in the Department of Education Management and Foundations. The reliability of
the instruments was calculated by using the test re-test and was calculated at Pearson r
coefficient of 0.879. Qualitative data was transcribed and analyzed in emergent themes
and sub-themes. The results showed that there was a positive correlation of 0.952
between Community financing, lunch programs and academic performance. The study
concluded that community financing of adequate lunch programs significantly
influences the academic performance of learners to a great extent. The study
recommended that community financing of lunch programmes should be increased in
order to achieve fully the objectives of the secondary education policy. The findings may
be significant to policymakers, education planners and implementers on the requirement
for the registration of institutions of higher learning. | en_US |