A Mini-Review of the Economic Aspects of Fish Cage Farming In Lake Victoria
In recent years, governments, researchers and policy makers
have encouraged the use of net cages for fish production in an effort
to increase aquaculture production by utilizing the enormous natu-
ral waters on the planet. As a result, fish cage farming has seen a
rapid growth in different oceans, lakes, and reservoirs across the
globe. The cost and availability of inputs, as well as the demand and
sales value of the farmed fish, all have important roles towards the
success of fish cage farming. However, there is a dearth of informa-
tion on the economics of the fish cage farming industry, especially
in Lake Victoria. In light of this, researchers are increasingly empha-
sizing more studies on the economics of fish cage farming towards
improving food security and alleviating poverty in the Lake Victoria
region. To ensure its success and boost investments in the sector,
the fish cage farming industry should abide by economic principles.
In this review, we highlight the important economic aspects including
capital and operating costs, revenue, marketing, and profitability in-
dicators that influence management choices in fish cage farming