Factors Influencing Implementation of Strengthening Mathematics and Science Programme in Public Secondry Schoos in Emuhaya Sub-County, Kenya
Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary School Education (SMASSE) is
important for Mathematics and Science Teachers in Kenya in effective and efficient curriculum
delivery through Activity Student Experiment and Improvisation (ASEI) of Plan, Do, See and
Improve (PDSI) approach. However, since its inception, Emuhaya Sub-County has performed
consistently poor in these subjects than other Sub-Counties in Vihiga County from 2012 to 2017.
This study purposed to establish factors influencing the implementation of SMASSE in Emuhaya
Sub-County. The study objectives were to: establish teacher factors, student factors and quality
assurance factors influencing SMASSE implementation in secondary schools. The target
population comprised 37 principals, 196 teachers of mathematics and science and 2543form
fours. Descriptive survey and correlational research designs were adopted. Saturated sampling
technique was used to obtain 33 principals after 4 were used for piloting; simple random
sampling was used to obtain 65 (33%) Mathematics and Science teachers and 254 (10%) form
fours. Data was collected using questionnaires and document analysis. Validity of the
instruments was ascertained through expert opinion and revision. The reliability was ascertained
through a pilot study using 4 principals, 19 teacher and 32 students and an index of 0.78 was
ascertained through a test-retest method. Data were analyzed using frequency counts,
percentages, means, Standard deviation and hypotheses were tested using Pearson's r at 0.05
level of significance. The study findings established that SMASSE implementation was average
(M=2.54) among the mathematics and science teachers, about (50.7%) used ASEI-PDSI
approach and about a quarter (24.6%) had gone through the four cycles of SMASSE training.
There was a significant influence of overall teacher [F (4, 60) =2.401, p =.030], student [F (3,
210) = 71.103, P < .05] and QASO factors, (n=65; r=.334; p<.05) on SMASSE implementation.
Teacher factors accounted for 13.8%, students' factors accounted for 50.4% and QASO factors
accounted for 9.7% change in the implementation of SMASSE. The study concluded that
SMASSE was implemented by some teachers; all teacher factors except qualification and student
factors increase chances of effective SMASSE implementation. For QASO factors, it was
concluded that constant coordination, monitoring/supervision is important in curriculum
implementation. The study recommended that a further study be done on challenges and their
solutions in SMASSE implementation in secondary schools. These study fmdings may inform
educational planners and policy makers on how to improve on SMASSE implementation.