School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science
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Insurance Claim Analysis Using Extreme Gradient Boosting Trees-A Machine Learning Approach
(Maseno University, 2024)The emergence of big data has revolutionized the way insurance companies deal with data that they receive in the course of their business, big data involves huge volumes of data of different varieties. Therefore the ... -
Asset Liability Management (ALM) In Determining Solvency and Profitability: A Case Study of CIC Life Assurance
(Maseno university, 2024)The aim of this research was to analyze the practices of asset Liability Management( ALM) at CIC Life Assurance. The study was significant because it analyzed how ALM practices at CIC Life assurance determined its solvency ... -
Quantitative analysis of credit default risk Assessment using black-scholes-merton Model: a case study of the Kenyan Manufacturing industry
(Maseno university, 2024)The Kenyan manufacturing industry is a major contributor of the country’s economy, contributing significantly to GDP growth, job creation, and export opportunities. However, despite its undeniable significance, the Kenyan ... -
A comparative study of cox-ingersoll-ross and Vasicek models: a case study of the 91-day treasury Bill rate in Kenya
(Maseno university, 2024)Interest rates is an important factor in the operation of any financial market, with different interest rates having different effects on investment decisions. As such, understanding how interest rates move across different ... -
Interest rate risk modeling using semi-heavy tail Distributions of normal variance-mean mixtures: Central bank of Kenya interest rates
(Maseno university, 2024)Derivative prices such as options and bond prices as well as swaps depend on the distributional assumptions of the underlying economic variables, normally, interest rates. The risk associated with changes in interest rates ... -
Enumeration of plane and d-ary Tree-like structures
(Maseno university, 2024)Trees are connected graphs which do not have loops, multiple edges and cycles. A variety of trees such as binary trees, ordered trees, d-ary trees, Cayley trees and noncrossing trees have been studied at length. Tree-like ... -
Mathematical modeling of Dual protection and art Adherence for a high risk HIV Population
(Maseno University, 2023)The spread of HIV/AIDS remains a major concern to public health enthusiasts world over. In spite of interventions such as medical male circumcision, condom use, treatment using Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), as well as ... -
Approximations of ruin probabilities under financial constraints.
(Maseno University, 2022)This thesis studies the approximate ruin probabilities under financial constraints which in- clude the rate of inflation, constant interest rate, and taxation. When the surplus falls below zero, the insurance company is ... -
Operation of mutation on Polar quivers
(Maseno university, 2009)In recent times, there has been a lot of interest in the study of quivers, both by mathematicians and theoretical physicists. We introduce a new concept of polar quivers and their mutation. The idea of polar quivers arises ... -
Norms of tensor products and elementary Operators
(Maseno university, 2009)In this thesis, we determine the norm of a two-sided symmetric operator in an algebra. More precisely, .we investigate the lower bound of the operator using the injective tensor norm. Further, we determine the norm of ... -
On norms of elementary operators
(2009)The study of elementary operators has been of great interest to many mathematicians for the past two decades. Of special interest has been to determine the norms of these operators. The norm problem for elementary operators ... -
Mathematics of Pesticide Adsorption in a Porous Medium: Convective-Dispersive Transport with steady state water flow In two Dimension
(Maseno university, 2007)The transport of solutes through porous media where chemicals undergo adsorption or change process on the surface of the porous materials has been a subject of research over years. Usage of pesticides has resulted in ... -
Numerical solution of Korteweg-de vries equation
(Maseno university, 2008)The Kotteweg-de Vrr-es(KdV)is a mathematical model of waves on shallow water surfaces. The mathematical theory behind the KdV equation is rich and interesting, and, in the broad sense, is a topic of active mathematical ... -
On a generalized q-numerical Range
(Maseno university, 2008)We 'consider numerical ranges of a bounded linear operator on complex Hilbert spaces. Many properties of the classical numerical range are known. We investigate the properties of the q-numerical range in relation to ... -
Forecasting Kenya’s inflation rate using a Varma for price of imported crude oil and Kenya’s previous inflation rate time series
(Maseno university, 2021)Inflation is the persistent rise in the prices of selected goods and services over time. The rate of inflation measures economic performance of a country and is an important economic indicator to economists of any given ... -
A correlation study on the effect of Non-conditional cash transfer on poverty Alleviation among older persons in Emuhaya sub- county, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2021)The world is experiencing growth in the number of older persons with those aged 60 years and above projected to double from 1.4 billion in 2015 to 2.8 billion in 2050. According to the Kenya Population and Housing Census, ... -
Mathematical modelling of flood Wave: a case study of Budalang'i Flood plain basin in Busia county, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2022)Flooding is a worldwide problem with more adverse e ects in developing countries. In Kenya, severe ooding is experienced on the lower tributaries of Lake Victoria, mainly Budalang'i area. This is indicated in the ... -
Norms of elementary operators.
(Maseno university, 2010)The norm of an elementary operator has been investigated over long period by several mathematician under various special circumstances. Timoney working on algebra of bounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces, established ... -
On completely bounded Operators
(2010)Calculating norms of matrices when the entries are not constants is the first problem tackled in this thesis. We have considered the space of matrices with entries from the algebra of bounded linear operators and ... -
Mathematical model for non-linear stock price adjustment
(Maseno university, 2010)The field of financial mathematics has drawn a lot of interest from both practitioners and academicians since the derivation of Black- Scholes model of 1970s. :Ihe celebrated option pricing formula, the so-called Black- ...